Friday, February 25, 2011

Day Three

Day Three & Part 1. 
This morning I had coffee with oatmeal at Starbucks, it was Quite Delicious! Soon after I started working, I got a call to the office and it was the twin. He happen to have the exact same meal as me... Hmmm. And some how the Starbucks Barista mentioned that I came to Starbucks  this morning and got the same exact order. Maybe it's a twin brain wave or it's my twin spying on me. Time shall tell! 
For lunch I actually put in an order for sushi for Mitchell and myself. The sushi was amazing as always, from Dragon Chef. But as Mitchell and I were finishing up, I decided to open the fortune cookie. Needless to say, the other half of me picked up the cookie AND ... ... ... ate it! Now I don't know how much he actually swallowed because shortly aftering look at me and realizing he shouldn't be eating that he then spit it out. Gross, I know.
Dinner is up next and a long with a fun filled weekend that includes no fun food! But at least I can enjoy some time in the Hot Tube tonight!

Day One & Two!

One minor detail I did leave out. Mitchell decided the first day that he was going to put sugar in his coffee. This is a No, No! You can not eat anything bleached, such as, white sugar! He thought he could get away with it, but my amazing sister caught him in the action. (Ha)

Day One & Two!

It all started at the kitchen table, February 22nd, 2011. My family and I were eating dinner and were having a conversation about Mitchell's health. As most of you know, Mitchell is my twin brother. So, my sister (Danielle) decided to offer up a proposal for Mitchell. Forty days of no meats or sweets, fried food, no bleached foods, and no soda. You name it, you can't have it! Now as competitive as I am, I said, "I want in!" The frustrating part of this journey is I already eat healthy, I don't drink soda, and I don't eat processed junk food. But the most rewarding part of this journey is I can win forty dollars at the end of these forty days, and it won't be as hard for me as it will for Mitchell! Muahahaha
Now, part of me can say I have thought thoughts such as, "I could trick my brother. I can tell him I am doing a 40 day challenge, but in reality I am eating whatever I want. Then at the end of this challenge, show him the pictures of me eating chicken and pie!" .... But I could not do that to my own TWIN! Twins stick together, but one always has to win too. (HA)
The first and second day was hard for the fact of remembering, "No, you can't get the coffee cake at Starbucks or go to Chick-Fil-a when you have no time to stop and really think about what you want to eat." So it has begun. The thought process of my decision on "What I Can Eat." The greatest part about day one and day two is I get to eat AMAZING! My sister is the best cook in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. This is no lie! Ask anyone if Danielle Wheatley can cook, and the answer will be, "Heck Yes!" For my lunches Danielle has made me the most delicious grilled Pita bread sandwich, filled with grilled vegetables, and cheese. And the following day I had homemade vegetable soup. Mmmmm!
I know this challenge will get hard when I have those cravings for coconut cream pie, chocolate ANYTHING, and grilled chicken in my burrito! But for now I am conquering the desires. Keep following a long to see how well I can keep it up!