Friday, February 25, 2011

Day Three

Day Three & Part 1. 
This morning I had coffee with oatmeal at Starbucks, it was Quite Delicious! Soon after I started working, I got a call to the office and it was the twin. He happen to have the exact same meal as me... Hmmm. And some how the Starbucks Barista mentioned that I came to Starbucks  this morning and got the same exact order. Maybe it's a twin brain wave or it's my twin spying on me. Time shall tell! 
For lunch I actually put in an order for sushi for Mitchell and myself. The sushi was amazing as always, from Dragon Chef. But as Mitchell and I were finishing up, I decided to open the fortune cookie. Needless to say, the other half of me picked up the cookie AND ... ... ... ate it! Now I don't know how much he actually swallowed because shortly aftering look at me and realizing he shouldn't be eating that he then spit it out. Gross, I know.
Dinner is up next and a long with a fun filled weekend that includes no fun food! But at least I can enjoy some time in the Hot Tube tonight!