Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The End

Good Morning Everyone!

I have officially ended my 40 Day Challenge Monday, April 4th! I feel super great and I do think that I will carry this out as a life style. My first meal that actually broke the challenge would be a Gyro! Whoot-Whoot! And shortly after following that was the Cappuccino Crunch ICE CREAM! It's so delicious :)

I hope everyone enjoyed this challenge and I believe that everyone should take into consideration a challenge like this! It was refreshing to the mind, body, and soul.

NEXT blog… … … might just be about the … TRIATHLON!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Going On Towards The End of the Twenties...

My Dear Beloved Friends!!! I am on day 29 right now! How bout' them apples... :)
Well I had a pretty good weekend and week so far. I was able to hit up Harvest Grain again and get a delicious Savannah Bar... Mmmmm! With a cup of fresh coffee, sitting outside with my family, on a Saturday morning and it was great! Well... Prior to Saturday morning was Friday night. . . I don't have the best pictures of what happen, but the ones I do have will have to do! My twin (Mitchell) decided to let my older sister (Danielle) put his hair in sponge curlers. YES folks, they are the curlers that most older woman in their 60's wear, but nevertheless your hair turns out fabulous! Since my twin had his hair in curlers, I couldn't leave him hanging. I had Danielle put curlers in my hair! So when we went to Harvest Grain, our hair was if we put our finger in a socket and then tried to maintain it will some type of hair product... :)

So you can only really see Mitchell's hair, but his was the best!
BUT it never FAILS!!! Mitchell walks into a building, being himself, looking like himself, and/or a designed hair style by his sisters, and the LADIES always fall for him. As soon as we walk in, their eyes are glazed by Mitchell. In my mind i'm thinking, "Look at his hair, doesn't that mean something to you gals." I mean ALL my brothers are attractive, but i would think in this instance Mitchell's crazy hair would be a disadvantage, not advantage! Ha Just Kidding..

Well, I have withstood Brusters this past weekend/week, some of my sister's cooking (that was SO HARD to do), Taco Bell, and in my heart "Walmart." Walking into walmart knowing I can only have certain items, well... lets say it's rough! :) I think I might have accidentally lost some weight on this challenge, not what I was going for. But Hey, I'll take it! :)

11 More days to go!

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's the Twenties!

            Since Tuesday, I have been in the Twenties! Today is officially the twenty third day of my challenge. I have to say, it is not that bad. I have enjoyed this challenge for many reasons. The first would have to be, I feel so good! My body feels so healthy, and I don't feel so bottled down. I have one assumption and it would be that everyone in this world would switch to a vegetarian life style, if they felt the way I feel now. It is refreshing! The second reason I love this challenge is because I didn't give up. I kept on trucking a long, even though my twin left me hanging. :( (ha) Oh and side note, my twin is actually eating pretty good. I mean not amazing, but I don't think I have seen him eat anything to bad. And Thirdly, I love a challenge!
            One factor in this challenge is the way you feel. I know I have mentioned it before, but it's true! It's as if a weight has been lifted off of you. You think clearer, breathe better, exercising is easier, and you look great. But another big factor in this, is drinking water too! I have been training for a Triathlon, and the water aspect hasn't changed! It's actually been harder for me to run, eating what I am eating now then before. But I also think my body is adjusting to it. Let me tell you though, if I don't eat before I run, I am toasted. I can barely make a mile. Usually people run off of nothing and then eat. Not on this challenge! I have to eat something and then run. :)
            Funny part of this week! - I came to my sister's for Lunch after college. She fixed me this huge taco salad! It was amazing, and it tasted so good! … So I am about half way done, and my sister says to me, "Do you like it? That's beef in the taco salad, you can have that right?" I nearly died at the sound of those words! All the thoughts of how long I have been doing this and all for nothing now, came running through my head so fast! I looked up, mouth dropped, and said, "What?!" (Ha) My sister laughed! "I am just kidding!" … Not as funny for me!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Left Out One Part From the Weekend!

All praise to God! ... The Savannah Bar that I did not get, I got! Saturday morning I went to my sister's house and a lovely lady named Nina and her husband Poppy came to Danielle's barring good gifts! They show up there with two Savannah bars for me! (Ha) We actually ran into Nina and Poppy at Harvest Grain when it all went down. So the Lord put it on their heart to come all the way to Culpeper to give me a Savannah Bar! God is so good to me! :)

3/15/2011 Update since the weekend... Last Night Danielle thought I needed a picture to go with my 40 Day Challenge. Here is the picture and created by her as well! :)


Monday, March 14, 2011

Days Fifteen through Nineteen!

These past couple of days have been hard! I have been on my spring break... Many adventures I did go on. One would be on Thursday. Danielle, Wren, Dustan, Anthony, and myself decided to go to Harvest Grain to get me a Savannah Bar! ... Remember that is the only bar I am allowed to have on this 40 Day Challenge. We arrive to Harvest Grain, Danielle, Wren, and myself walk up to the counter. My sister politely asked, "Do you have any Savannah Bars?" The nice young lady said, "No, sorry. We are all out." We drove 35 miles for this Dang Bar!!! So I was not able to get anything from the store. Danielle, Wren, and myself were sitting there in disappointment. I glance at Danielle and she is intensely watching Anthony and Dustan. They start walking our way and out of Anthony's mouth comes, "They just gave me some kinda of Savannah Bar. They said it wasn't sell able." ... The only words one could say is, "WHAT!" Angry as all get out, my sister walks up to the manager and says, "I came here just for my sister to have a savannah bar because that's all she can have and you give it to another person in the same party." You would think if you ask for a savannah bar, they would offer you the non-sell able one that is left. (HA!) ... We gathered ourselves, and left.
Second adventure would be getting our toes done. Danielle, Wren, Mitch, Anthony, and myself got our toes done. That's right ladies, some how my sister and I got two guys to go get their toes done. (Ha) I have this amazing B-Dazzle sparkling nail polish on! What is more amazing other than my nail polish is how God totally used us to show his glory. It started out with the lady who was doing Danielle's feet. She mentioned she goes to the furtune tellers. I some how tell this lady that she doesn't need a furtune teller, we could do better! Danielle and myself are telling these ladies (and men) about who they are and we have not met some of these women. God moved in Nifty Nails! All of the workers were amazed at what God was doing. They kept asking, "Did you go to school for this?" "You had to be trained for this!" ... And it was all God.
So after God working in the nail salon, we headed to Bruster's!
These pictures are evidence of I did not eat Brusters, nor did I fall into temptation. I even walked into Brusters and out with NOTHING in my hand! OH YEAH! But anyone would know if I wasn't doing this challenge I would have had a double scoop of coffee ice cream! This week I actually ate more veggies and fruits and will continue this way. I had a blast hanging out with my family on my spring break! This challenge gets more and more INTENSE, when I hang out with people. Everyone loves to eat! And love to eat junky! ... Eating is so social! I will not give up though! I can say I eat ALLLLLLLL the time now. Every second I am grabbing some nuts, fruit, veggies, or something healthy to eat! Lets see what this week has instored for Amber Pennington!.....OH and of course Starbucks makes this Multi-Billion company move and has ALL new pastries and coffees!!!!! Ah! That has been hard, but I will stick to my oatmeal and coffee that I can get there. I will refrain from the carrot cake cupcake!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, and Fourteen

This weekend was great! On Friday I went on a great date with Mr. Ian Burke! We had Osaka and of course, I got Sushi! One small detail I might have left out in the beginning was, I am able to eat fish. So my options aren't to bad (HA). I can have any type of fish, but it can not be fried. After Osaka and Coffee a group of us watch "The Adjustment Bureau." It was indeed a wonderful movie. I could not have ANY of the movie threater snacks!!!! They cost way to much anyways! :) But sneakily I snuck in pretzels. While Ciera and Mitchell shared pop corn, candy, and soda.
I think the biggest bummer about these past few days is, I HAVE ALLERGIES. Never in my life have I ever had allergies. Until now, of course. And I get allergies on the few days when I can not eat food that I feel will make me feel better. Thank the Lord I have an older sister that not only created this challenge, but can help me feel better! We went out and about yesterday, and she picked Thai for lunch. Thai is one of my favorite types of food and I CAN EAT IT! Needless to say, I might have been feeling pretty bad, but the company of my sister (and Wren) and Thai food was just the boost for me! Now it's off to Dance tonight! ... Wawa's will be a HUGE challenge for me not to get something I shouldn't. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day Seven, Eight, Nine, & Ten!

The past four days have actually not been as hard for me because I was able to stand strong in the beginning of the week. Yes folks, I was able to withstand temptation. Danielle (Sis), Wren (Niece), and myself had to go to Warrenton to solve some Verizon Wireless problems. As a certain someone calls them, "Crooks." Need I say more. Before the long process of getting our Broadband device replace that took about an hour and a half, we went to Harvest Grain! It's actually called, "Great Harvest Bread Co."

Now Harvest Grain has thy most amazing treats that are AWESOME! Of course I had something healthy. It was called the Savannah Bar! It was heaven in my mouth! .... But I have to say I saw the Chocolate Brownie!!! It looked like the ending to my 40 day journey! Ha ... I did not fall, but I was with my sister and she would have not let me fall that quick! :) With the Savannah Bar and Ciro's KILLER Wheat Pizza I made it through the week just fine! Now it's time for the weekend .... !