Monday, March 14, 2011

Days Fifteen through Nineteen!

These past couple of days have been hard! I have been on my spring break... Many adventures I did go on. One would be on Thursday. Danielle, Wren, Dustan, Anthony, and myself decided to go to Harvest Grain to get me a Savannah Bar! ... Remember that is the only bar I am allowed to have on this 40 Day Challenge. We arrive to Harvest Grain, Danielle, Wren, and myself walk up to the counter. My sister politely asked, "Do you have any Savannah Bars?" The nice young lady said, "No, sorry. We are all out." We drove 35 miles for this Dang Bar!!! So I was not able to get anything from the store. Danielle, Wren, and myself were sitting there in disappointment. I glance at Danielle and she is intensely watching Anthony and Dustan. They start walking our way and out of Anthony's mouth comes, "They just gave me some kinda of Savannah Bar. They said it wasn't sell able." ... The only words one could say is, "WHAT!" Angry as all get out, my sister walks up to the manager and says, "I came here just for my sister to have a savannah bar because that's all she can have and you give it to another person in the same party." You would think if you ask for a savannah bar, they would offer you the non-sell able one that is left. (HA!) ... We gathered ourselves, and left.
Second adventure would be getting our toes done. Danielle, Wren, Mitch, Anthony, and myself got our toes done. That's right ladies, some how my sister and I got two guys to go get their toes done. (Ha) I have this amazing B-Dazzle sparkling nail polish on! What is more amazing other than my nail polish is how God totally used us to show his glory. It started out with the lady who was doing Danielle's feet. She mentioned she goes to the furtune tellers. I some how tell this lady that she doesn't need a furtune teller, we could do better! Danielle and myself are telling these ladies (and men) about who they are and we have not met some of these women. God moved in Nifty Nails! All of the workers were amazed at what God was doing. They kept asking, "Did you go to school for this?" "You had to be trained for this!" ... And it was all God.
So after God working in the nail salon, we headed to Bruster's!
These pictures are evidence of I did not eat Brusters, nor did I fall into temptation. I even walked into Brusters and out with NOTHING in my hand! OH YEAH! But anyone would know if I wasn't doing this challenge I would have had a double scoop of coffee ice cream! This week I actually ate more veggies and fruits and will continue this way. I had a blast hanging out with my family on my spring break! This challenge gets more and more INTENSE, when I hang out with people. Everyone loves to eat! And love to eat junky! ... Eating is so social! I will not give up though! I can say I eat ALLLLLLLL the time now. Every second I am grabbing some nuts, fruit, veggies, or something healthy to eat! Lets see what this week has instored for Amber Pennington!.....OH and of course Starbucks makes this Multi-Billion company move and has ALL new pastries and coffees!!!!! Ah! That has been hard, but I will stick to my oatmeal and coffee that I can get there. I will refrain from the carrot cake cupcake!