Friday, March 4, 2011

Day Seven, Eight, Nine, & Ten!

The past four days have actually not been as hard for me because I was able to stand strong in the beginning of the week. Yes folks, I was able to withstand temptation. Danielle (Sis), Wren (Niece), and myself had to go to Warrenton to solve some Verizon Wireless problems. As a certain someone calls them, "Crooks." Need I say more. Before the long process of getting our Broadband device replace that took about an hour and a half, we went to Harvest Grain! It's actually called, "Great Harvest Bread Co."

Now Harvest Grain has thy most amazing treats that are AWESOME! Of course I had something healthy. It was called the Savannah Bar! It was heaven in my mouth! .... But I have to say I saw the Chocolate Brownie!!! It looked like the ending to my 40 day journey! Ha ... I did not fall, but I was with my sister and she would have not let me fall that quick! :) With the Savannah Bar and Ciro's KILLER Wheat Pizza I made it through the week just fine! Now it's time for the weekend .... !


  1. Its a cookie type bar. The bottom is a cookie/gram cracker consistency with fruit all on top! Baked! But everything is made out of Wheat, Whole grains, and Raw sugar. It's amazing!!!
