Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, and Fourteen

This weekend was great! On Friday I went on a great date with Mr. Ian Burke! We had Osaka and of course, I got Sushi! One small detail I might have left out in the beginning was, I am able to eat fish. So my options aren't to bad (HA). I can have any type of fish, but it can not be fried. After Osaka and Coffee a group of us watch "The Adjustment Bureau." It was indeed a wonderful movie. I could not have ANY of the movie threater snacks!!!! They cost way to much anyways! :) But sneakily I snuck in pretzels. While Ciera and Mitchell shared pop corn, candy, and soda.
I think the biggest bummer about these past few days is, I HAVE ALLERGIES. Never in my life have I ever had allergies. Until now, of course. And I get allergies on the few days when I can not eat food that I feel will make me feel better. Thank the Lord I have an older sister that not only created this challenge, but can help me feel better! We went out and about yesterday, and she picked Thai for lunch. Thai is one of my favorite types of food and I CAN EAT IT! Needless to say, I might have been feeling pretty bad, but the company of my sister (and Wren) and Thai food was just the boost for me! Now it's off to Dance tonight! ... Wawa's will be a HUGE challenge for me not to get something I shouldn't. :)


  1. Osaka? Thai?? Goodness, reading you and Mitch's posts is crazy. You eat food I've never tried before. I think I need to expand my tastes but I'm not nearly as talented of a cook as Danielle!

  2. Haha! I don't think any one is as talented as my sister's cooking! But I am definitely bias! Oh you have to try Thia food it's amazing. And easy to cook!

  3. Yeah yeah, I just posted a comment on Mitch's page and told him I just bought a cookbook so hopefully I can learn healthier recipes. I'll try Thai... maybe..

  4. Yeah... I forgot to mention that I am ruin for life! Ha Ian can not take me to a restaurant with me complaining about the food. HA!
