Thursday, March 24, 2011

Going On Towards The End of the Twenties...

My Dear Beloved Friends!!! I am on day 29 right now! How bout' them apples... :)
Well I had a pretty good weekend and week so far. I was able to hit up Harvest Grain again and get a delicious Savannah Bar... Mmmmm! With a cup of fresh coffee, sitting outside with my family, on a Saturday morning and it was great! Well... Prior to Saturday morning was Friday night. . . I don't have the best pictures of what happen, but the ones I do have will have to do! My twin (Mitchell) decided to let my older sister (Danielle) put his hair in sponge curlers. YES folks, they are the curlers that most older woman in their 60's wear, but nevertheless your hair turns out fabulous! Since my twin had his hair in curlers, I couldn't leave him hanging. I had Danielle put curlers in my hair! So when we went to Harvest Grain, our hair was if we put our finger in a socket and then tried to maintain it will some type of hair product... :)

So you can only really see Mitchell's hair, but his was the best!
BUT it never FAILS!!! Mitchell walks into a building, being himself, looking like himself, and/or a designed hair style by his sisters, and the LADIES always fall for him. As soon as we walk in, their eyes are glazed by Mitchell. In my mind i'm thinking, "Look at his hair, doesn't that mean something to you gals." I mean ALL my brothers are attractive, but i would think in this instance Mitchell's crazy hair would be a disadvantage, not advantage! Ha Just Kidding..

Well, I have withstood Brusters this past weekend/week, some of my sister's cooking (that was SO HARD to do), Taco Bell, and in my heart "Walmart." Walking into walmart knowing I can only have certain items, well... lets say it's rough! :) I think I might have accidentally lost some weight on this challenge, not what I was going for. But Hey, I'll take it! :)

11 More days to go!

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