Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day Four, Five, & Six!

Throughout the weekend there was many challenges! But I can assure you that I did pass through them all without falling! 
First Trial- 
The "Bagel Bites." Mmmm! I was spending time with Ms. Ciera Backe and Ms. Skylar Backe. They had to house sit their aunt's house, which has an amazing hot tub. Well, Ms. Skylar Backe got hungry! (HA) The only food this house had, besides cheese, was bagel bites. And fair enough, Skylar cooked them. I was offered one, but I said, "No thanks." In reality I would have said, "Pass me two!"
Second Trial-
It took place on February 26th, 2011. My father came down for the weekend. We had a blast with playing tennis and eating some Chipotle! I had a veggie burrito! After eating we went to the mall. The boys had to hit up Guitar Center, and I had to get into the Hurricane Blaster, and then we decided to head back. On the way home, Danielle, Dad, Ian, and Wren had to stop at Krispy Kreme. THAT’S Right Folks… Krispy Stinkin Kreme! Let me just tell you, the light was on! This means they are making, "Fresh hot glazed donuts that come from Heaven," this quote is from Danielle herself! (Ha). BUT I did not have one, nor was I even tempted!!!

Third Trial-
It was Sunday, February 27th, 2011. My Father, Myself, Mitchell, Dustan, Ciera, & Ian were all playing Tennis. Match after Match, we played vigorously! Soon after we all were hungry. We called up the Wheatley's & Trevor, shortly after we ended up at IHOP. You can easily see where this is leading. I ordered the Garden Omelette with Harvest Grain pancakes. Everything was going great, until Mitchell tricked me. I asked Mitchell, "Can you use syrup on the pancakes?" Mitchell replies, "Yeah, I did." Right than I should have known he was just saying that so I would FALL with him! Next thing I know, my big brother Trevor shouts down to the end of the table, "Hey D, is Mitch and Amber suppose to use Syrup?" ... "No!" So needless to say it was my first failure, and I have to take some responsibility for this, even though I was tricked. BUT I am continuing the rest of the 33 days strong!

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