Friday, March 18, 2011

It's the Twenties!

            Since Tuesday, I have been in the Twenties! Today is officially the twenty third day of my challenge. I have to say, it is not that bad. I have enjoyed this challenge for many reasons. The first would have to be, I feel so good! My body feels so healthy, and I don't feel so bottled down. I have one assumption and it would be that everyone in this world would switch to a vegetarian life style, if they felt the way I feel now. It is refreshing! The second reason I love this challenge is because I didn't give up. I kept on trucking a long, even though my twin left me hanging. :( (ha) Oh and side note, my twin is actually eating pretty good. I mean not amazing, but I don't think I have seen him eat anything to bad. And Thirdly, I love a challenge!
            One factor in this challenge is the way you feel. I know I have mentioned it before, but it's true! It's as if a weight has been lifted off of you. You think clearer, breathe better, exercising is easier, and you look great. But another big factor in this, is drinking water too! I have been training for a Triathlon, and the water aspect hasn't changed! It's actually been harder for me to run, eating what I am eating now then before. But I also think my body is adjusting to it. Let me tell you though, if I don't eat before I run, I am toasted. I can barely make a mile. Usually people run off of nothing and then eat. Not on this challenge! I have to eat something and then run. :)
            Funny part of this week! - I came to my sister's for Lunch after college. She fixed me this huge taco salad! It was amazing, and it tasted so good! … So I am about half way done, and my sister says to me, "Do you like it? That's beef in the taco salad, you can have that right?" I nearly died at the sound of those words! All the thoughts of how long I have been doing this and all for nothing now, came running through my head so fast! I looked up, mouth dropped, and said, "What?!" (Ha) My sister laughed! "I am just kidding!" … Not as funny for me!

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